Reflective Essay

During my undergraduate career, I studied mathematics and some requirements included a few CSI courses. I studied Visual Basic and C++ using the Code Blocks program. I remember being frustrated that I was tested on paper when I was usually practicing using the program itself. Luckily, I did well in each course, though I did not think that programming language was something I would want to continue studying.

This past semester I had the pleasure of learning HTML/CSS, JavaScript and used a few coding platforms to practice on. The assignments and the required programs like Thimble, Scratch, and even WordPress were enjoyable to use and practice on. I have not heard of these programs before and because of this class, I am now aware of them and I can continue to practice coding language.

I can also help children gain access to coding programs like Scratch. I have nieces and nephews that are curious to use the computer and applications on tablets/telephones. Since I used Scratch as an assignment for this course, I can now show them how to animate and create their own video games to keep them occupied and entertained.

So far, I have learned that it is essential to be familiar with these coding platforms and what students of all levels can use for assignments and learning/teaching methods. For example, we went over how to use Microsoft Word and resources through Google Suite. I have used applications such as Google docs before, though I never made a survey through Google forums, Google slides, nor made a Google site before. I am now able to create a survey, create informative and helpful websites, and make a presentation to share with others that use the Google platform. Knowing this will help me with possible projects within librarianship and I can aid students with their projects and assignments, too.

I truly believe that computer programming is a field that I can further explore my interests in and apply my math skills within a similar method of learning, teaching, using computational skills, and problem solving. I look forward to seeing how I can apply my knowledge of technology of information towards my academic librarian career.



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